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. On Using Certified Training towards Empirical Robustness. In TMLR, 2025.


. On Using Certified Training towards Empirical Robustness. CoRR abs/2410.01617, 2024.

Project arXiv

. Towards a High Level Linter for Data Science. In NSAD, 2024.


. Quantitative Static Timing Analysis. In SAS, 2024.

PDF HAL Springer

. An Abstract Interpretation-Based Data Leakage Static Analysis. In TASE, 2024.

PDF Project Slides HAL Springer

. Quantitative Input Usage Static Analysis. In NFM, 2024.


. Monotonicity and the Precision of Program Analysis. In POPL, 2024.


. Abstract Interpretation-Based Feature Importance for Support Vector Machines. In VMCAI, 2024.

PDF Project HAL Springer

. A Formal Framework to Measure the Incompleteness of Abstract Interpretations. In SAS, 2023.

PDF HAL Springer

. Static Analysis of Data Transformations in Jupyter Notebooks. In SOAP, 2023.


. Verifying Attention Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Semantic Perturbations. In NFM, 2023.

PDF Project HAL Springer

. An Abstract Interpretation-Based Data Leakage Static Analysis. CoRR abs/2211.16073, 2022.

PDF Project arXiv

. Abstract Interpretation-Based Feature Importance for SVMs. CoRR abs/2210.12456, 2022.

PDF Project arXiv

. Verifying Attention Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Semantic Perturbations. In APSEC, 2022.

Project IEEE

. Verifying Attention Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Semantic Perturbations. CoRR abs/2207.05902, 2022.

PDF Project arXiv

. ReCIPH: Relational Coefficients for Input Partitioning Heuristic. In WFVML, 2022.

Project HAL

. A Review of Formal Methods applied to Machine Learning. CoRR abs/2104.02466, 2021.

PDF Project arXiv HAL

. Fair Training of Decision Tree Classifiers. CoRR abs/2101.00909, 2021.

PDF Project arXiv

. Perfectly Parallel Fairness Certification of Neural Networks. CoRR abs/1912.02499, 2019.

PDF Code Project BibTeX arXiv

. Permission Inference for Array Programs. In CAV, 2018.

PDF BibTeX Springer

. MaxSMT-Based Type Inference for Python 3. In CAV, 2018.

PDF Code Project Artifact BibTeX Springer

. Abstract Interpretation as Automated Deduction. In JAR, 2017.

PDF BibTeX Springer

. Formal Analysis of Facebook Connect Single Sign-On Authentication Protocol. In SOFSEM Student Research Forum, 2011.

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